Students & Parents
Community Education
Winter weather is just around the corner. Here is our process for determining whether school is canceled or if buses will be running late.
● Information regarding the road from the MN Department of Transportation.
● The amount of snow and ice that has accumulated or the amount we could possibly get
based on weather forecasts from the National Weather Service.
● The temperature according to the National Weather Service forecasts.
● If our school closes or remains open, is not based on what other schools in the area are
● The decision of closing school will typically occur before 5:45 a.m. to ensure sufficient notice
to families and employees.
● An alert will be sent to all student contacts that are listed in your Campus portal.
● The notice of school closings will be given to TV stations: CBS Channel 3, KBJR Channel 6,
WDIO/WIRT Channel 10 & 13 and Fox 21 News.
● The notice of school closings will be given to radio stations: Midwest Communications
(93.9FM, 99.9FM, 650AM), WEBC 560AM, KKCB 105.1FM, KOZY 1320AM, and KMFY 96.9FM
● Notices will also be posted on Facebook and the school website.
● If there is a delay in school, Preschool will be in session and also have the delay.
● If school is canceled or released early due to inclement weather, all evening activities will be
● If there is a Virtual Learning/E-Learning Day, please refer to the Virtual Learning/E- Learning plan your
student’s teacher has established. All staff will be available on these days through Seesaw, Google
Classroom or email.
If school is open, and parents choose not to send their children to school due to weather, the absence will be
excused and assignments will be able to be made up. The decision to send your child to school during
extreme weather conditions are one every parent must make. We make the decision after careful
consideration because the students’ safety and wellbeing is a high priority for us. Also, if your child drives to
school, please consider having them ride the bus during inclement weather. Remember to contact 4.0 Transportation at 218-476-2211 or email kyoung@isd698.org for all transportation changes.
Outside recess will occur each day as long as the temperature doesn’t fall below -10 degrees with the wind
chill. All children need to be dressed appropriately for outdoor play. Their winter gear should include: hat,
mittens, winter coat, snow pants, and snow boots. They might be able to go out without snow pants
depending on the temperature, but having snow pants will ensure the students stay warm and dry. If a child
comes to school without appropriate winter gear, they might not be able to play outside. Please help us to
keep recess enjoyable by sending your child to school dressed for winter. If your student is in need of winter gear, please contact the office.