Students & Parents
Community Education
To Parents of Floodwood School Students:
This letter is to inform all parents regarding medications at school, immunization requirements and other useful information for the upcoming school year.
A reminder about practicing good hygiene. Proper hand washing is a good way to prevent the spread of infectious disease.
o When washing hands children should wash for 20 seconds (as long as it takes to sing or hum happy birthday or say the ABC’s)
o Scrub palms, backs of hand, between fingers, fingernails, wrists and thumbs
o Rinse all the soap off the hands, turn off the faucet with a paper and dry hands thoroughly
Is my child well enough to go to school? We understand how difficult this time can be. Our top priority is to promote the health, well being and safety of all our students and staff.
Students should be kept home from school if they are ill. Students may not return to school until they are 24 hours symptom free. Should a student become ill while at school and unable to attend classes, they are to inform their teacher and report to the school office. Determination will be made at that time whether the student needs to go home. Student illness will be evaluated on a case by case basis with parent/guardian discussion. Floodwood School District follows the current guidance set forth by the Minnesota Department of Health and Centers for Disease Control. Please contact the district office to obtain a copy of the most up to date guidance.
Medications needing administration during the school day:
If your child needs a medication to be administered during the school day, here are a few things to remember before bringing medication to the school.
● If it is a prescription medication, we need to have an "Authorization for Administration of Prescription Medications at School" form to administer it. This includes Epi-pens and Benadryl for possible allergies as well. Prescriptions must be in their original bottle.
● If it is an over the counter medication, we need to have an "Authorization for Administration of Over the Counter Medications at School" form to administer it. This includes all over the counter medications such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, antacids etc.
● All medications need to be in their original bottles.
Immunizations – All required immunizations listed below must be completed or there must be an appointment made before a student may start school on September 6th. If you have any questions, you may check the Campus portal or contact me.
For ages 5 through 6 for Kindergarten:
Hepatitis B – 3 shots
DTaP – 5 shots; unless the 4th was given after age 4.
Polio – 4 shots; unless the 3rd was given after age 4.
MMR – 2 shots
Varicella – 2 shots; unless child already had chickenpox disease; if disease occurred after 2010, the doctor must sign a form.
For 7th through 12th grade:
Tdap – entering 7th grade
Meningococcal – 7th grade and again at age 16.
Early Childhood Developmental Screening
Minnesota law requires that all children attend screening before they enter school, so that all are well equipped and ready for learning. Please contact me if you have a 3 year old child or older that has not been screened.
Asthma: Asthma is a disease that affects your lungs. It causes repeated episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and nighttime or early morning coughing. Asthma can be controlled by taking medicine and avoiding the triggers that can cause an attack. You must also remove the triggers in your environment that can make your asthma worse.
CDC’s National Asthma Control Program helps Americans with asthma achieve better health and improved quality of life. The program funds states, school programs, and non-government organizations to help them improve surveillance of asthma, train health professionals, educate individuals with asthma and their families, and explain asthma to the public. (https://www.cdc.gov/asthma/default.htm)
Head Lice – School Procedure: (see below)
SCHOOL PROCEDURE:It is the position of the Floodwood School District that head lice will not impede the educational process for any child. If a child is discovered to have live head lice, parents will be informed via phone call, text message, or email. Phone calls will always be made. If we aren’t able to talk with a parent, other methods of contacting parents will also be used. Parents of students in the classroom where head lice were found will also be informed. The expectation will be that a child found with head lice will go home at the end of the day, will be treated, and any nits present will be removed before returning to school the following day. If head lice and/or nits are found upon returning to school, parents of the child will again be notified.
INFORMATION: Head lice can take up residence in heads of all genders, ages, races and socio-economic levels – they are an equal opportunity bug! Head lice are a common problem for children in schools and child care. Anyone can get head lice. Head lice are not a sign of uncleanliness and head lice do not spread disease. According to the National School Nurse’s Association (https://www.nasn.org/PolicyAdvocacy/PositionPapersandReports/NASNPositionStatementsFullView/tabid/462/ArticleId/40/Pediculosis-Management-in-the-School-Setting-Revised-2011), sending children home because of head lice is not recommended.
Head lice are very small (less than 1/8 inch long), tan colored insects which live on human heads. They lay their eggs (called nits) on the hair close to the scalp and the nits are attached to the hair by a strong "glue-like" substance which makes it hard to remove the nits. The nits are tiny (about the size of a pencil dot) and grey or white in color.
Head lice are annoying parasites that feed on small amounts of blood once or more often each day. The bite does not hurt but can cause itching and scratching. Once hatched, head lice can survive for up to 30 days.
Head lice are spread primarily by direct, head-to-head contact with an infested individual. Indirect spread through sharing of personal items such as combs, brushes, barrettes, hats, scarves, jackets, blankets, sheets, and pillows is less likely but possible.
Head lice do not jump or fly. They crawl and can fall off the head. Head lice do not live longer than 48 hours off the human head. They only lay their eggs while on the head. Nits which are more than 1/2 inch from the scalp are dead or empty and will not hatch. The eggs do not hatch if they fall off the head. Head lice do not spread to or from pets. It takes 7-10 days from when the eggs are laid until they hatch. Head lice can spread as long as there are live head lice on the head.
PREVENTION: Young children frequently come into close head to head contact while playing. Children can be taught to not share personal items such as combs and hats. When children are scratching their heads, adults can check for head lice. Affected children should be treated promptly. Floodwood School district does not allow students to use blankets or pillows in the building as another form of prevention.
TREATMENT: Special head lice shampoo or crème rinse which will kill the head lice can be purchased in the drug store or obtained by prescription from your clinic. Natural alternative methods for controlling head lice include: coating all the hair with petroleum jelly (or other smothering agents) by massaging the entire surface of the scalp and hair and leaving on overnight.
Manual removal of head lice and nits with louse or nit combs is proposed by some as an effective but time-consuming method of treatment. More often, it is proposed as an additional treatment to use with alternative methods or chemical head lice shampoos.
Combs, brushes, and other hair accessories should be cleaned with hot soapy water. Launder recently worn clothing, bedding, and towels. Vacuuming carpets, furniture, mattresses, and car seats may control the spread of head lice. Insecticide or head lice killing sprays are not recommended.
Ten Steps to staying ahead of Head lice (from the National Pediculosis Association)
Watch for signs of head lice, such as frequent head-scratching. Anyone can get head lice . . . from another person or from sharing hats, brushes, combs, etc.
Check all family members for lice and nits (lice eggs) at least once a week. (It helps to use natural light and a magnifying glass.)
Treat only those family members who do have lice. Buy a lice product at you drug store, the pharmacy section of your food store or call your doctor for a prescription. You may also ask your school nurse. Treatment can come in other forms besides buying a product at the drug store. Below are links to other options.
Follow package directions carefully! Use the product over the sink (not in the tub or shower). Keep the eyes covered with a washcloth.
Call your doctor first if you are pregnant, nursing, or allergic to weeds, plants, etc. Never use a lice product on your baby!
Remove all nits (which will stay on the hair after treatment). This is essential! You can do this with a special lice comb, scissors, or your fingernails.
Wash sheets and recently worn clothing in hot water and dry in a hot dryer. Combs and brushes may be soaked in hot (not boiling) water for 10 minutes.
Vacuuming is the safest and best way to control lice on mattresses, rugs, furniture, and stuffed animals.
Continue to check heads every day for 2 - 3 weeks to make sure head lice are gone. Regular checking is the best prevention.
When you find a case of lice, tell others. Call your child's school or daycare. Notify neighborhood parents.